Void Linux
last edited Sat, 08 Feb 2025 06:41:26 GMT
Hipster Distributions
A barebones setup guide for my personal configuration of void. I prefer XFCE to any other desktop environment but I opt for a more minimal setup below:
Window Manager: i3
Terminal: alacritty
Image Viewer: feh
Display Manager: xrandr
Text Editor: Kakoune
Web Browser: Qutebrowser
In Fall 2023 I tested new software by ricing a fresh void musl installation.
Pre-Installation direct link to this section
- download an official image
- download the
files, then download the appropriate signing key corresponding to your image - verify the image
sha256sum -c --ignore-missing sha256sum.txt
void-live-x86_64-musl-20240314-xfce.iso: OK
- verify digital signature
minisign -V -p void-release-20240314.pub -x sha256sum.sig -m sha256sum.txt
Signature and comment signature verified
Trusted comment: This key is only valid for images with date 20240314.
sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt --ignore-missing void-live-x86_64-musl-20240314-xfce.iso
void-live-x86_64-musl-20240314-xfce.iso: OK
- Install .iso onto USB
If you want to set up LUKs or install manually without using the installation script, see the documentation for additional assistance. Otherwise, once booted into your live disk, the installation script can be run with # void-installer
as root.
Post-Installation direct link to this section
Setting Up the Network direct link to this section
If you're using ethernet, congrats. There's more work involved if wifi wasn't set up during the installation process. wpa_supplicant
is installed in the base system by default and can be used to connect to wifi until you can customize your preferred setup. The void docs contain additional details to reference.
Using wpa_passphrase
to set the configuration:
wpa_passphrase "wifi-name" "password" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
ip link
Then, start wpa_supplicant
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# link service to runit
ln -s /etc/sv/wpa_supplicant /var/service/cd
Test connection with a ping. To have the settings persist through a reboot, add the line to ~/.profile
(or ~/.bash_profile
, ~/.zshrc
, ~/.xinitrc
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Package Management direct link to this section
Updating the System
Update void
xbps-install -Su
Clean System
sudo vkpurge rm all
Finding Software in the Repository
xbps-query -Rs <search>
Removing Packages
xbps-remove -Rf pkgname
Additonal details on flags can be found in the man pages.
XBPS makes it possible to revert packages to previous versions using xdowngrade
Essential Software
Don't forget to install git, make, wget, Patch, xf, unzip, xorg. The base install is extremely minimal.
Service Management direct link to this section
Runit is the supervision suite used over SystemD.
- Service names (service directory names) inside the /var/service/ directory.
- The full paths to the services.
Basic Usage
# sv up <services>
# sv down <services>
# sv restart <services>
# sv status <services>
Enabling a Service
Daemons are provided in /etc/sv/
, simply create systemlinks to the directory /var/service/
# ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service/
Disabling a Service
rm /var/service/<service>
Wireguard with MullvadVPN direct link to this section
- download wireguard
xbps-install -S wireguard-tools wireguard-dkms
There's only 2 options, to download the official applet which is comfy and not a nightmare to use, or to manually install the configuration files yourself. The applet currently offers support to Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, or Fedora linux users. Because this is a void writeup we will be forced to endure the manual install. It's not as if I've only done this 4 times at this point.
You'll need to login to download the files with a generated key.
- download the configuration script from Mullvad's github and verify the signature file
curl -o mullvad-wg.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mullvad/mullvad-wg.sh/main/mullvad-wg.sh
curl -o mullvad-wg.sh.asc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mullvad/mullvad-wg.sh/main/mullvad-wg.sh.asc
Verify signatures
curl -o mullvad-code-signing.asc https://mullvad.net/media/mullvad-code-signing.asc
gpg --import mullvad-code-signing.asc
gpg --verify mullvad-wg.sh.asc
- run configuration script
chmod +x ./mullvad-wg.sh && ./mullvad-wg.sh
- connect with wg
wg-quick up se-mma-wg-001
To disconnect it's just the reverse of the command to connect:
wg-quick down se-mma-wg-001
after up
, the specified file will correspond to the server you want to connect from, make sure to pick whichever country you want in the massive mullvad folder you downloaded.
- verify connection
curl https://am.i.mullvad.net/connected
Security Hardening direct link to this section
Check which user runs X server
ps -o user= -C Xorg
- do not use exec startx in
See Securing Linux for additional information.